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Tank Fitting


Hi All,

I'm new to the club and the forum. I bought a brand new Fastback in 1972 from Coburn & Hughes in Luton at a heavily discounted price of (I think) £695 as it was last years model. Next to it was a current model Roadster in candy apple red - that was the one I really wanted, but couldn't quite afford it (I think it was £750).

So now, almost exactly 50 years later I have finally acquired a '74 850 Roadster (paid a bit more this time!), and I need to learn all about them again.

I have a question about tank fitment. I'm not sure whether the Roadster tank I have is original, and I'm not sure how it should be attached to the frame at the rear. At the moment there are no fixings at the back - it can just move up and down. There are two bolt holes in the back of the tank, but no obvious fixings in the frame (see photos).

Any help appreciated. Thanks, Alistair.


You are missing part 23


Available at other sources.


Alistair, on my 73 Roadster I have fitted silencer mounting bobbins into the threaded holes at the rear underside of the tank. As someone has already pointed out you need the strap which goes around the frame tube. So, screw 2 bobbins into the tank underside, place the foam block mount between the underside of the tank and the frame tube and of course fitting the fixing strap is obvious, I can't remember what the nut size is for the bobbin threads?

I always find the best way to familiarise myself with a new Steed is purchase the Parts List!


There is a length of foam rubber along the full length of the frame tube on your machine? If your front and rear tank mounting rubbers are in good order then you don't need to have it there {Bobbins-rear and Discs-Front} which are fixed to the tank. The parts list shows a front and rear foam block for the machine. In my opinion the foam you have fitted there at the moment is a fire risk and personally I would look into discarding it and fitting the correct foam blocks? This is only an opinion so get a few other opinions before you make the change.


Thanks for the advice Graham.

I have ordered the full tank fitment kit from Andover-Norton. Not too expensive.

I will definately get rid of that ugly/dangerous foam rubber as you suggest.


You're most welcome, I hope you are enjoying your new mount, a properly sorted Commando is quite unlike anything else!


I think you're wrong about your prices. My Interstate was £667 on the road in September '72. If you did pay £695, you were done. 


Yes, I think it may have been maybe £595 - I do remember it was the very cheapest I could find at the time and I paid cash having taken a gap year and working all hours god sends.

I still have the original 1972 workshop manual and, strangely, the special tool for undoing the exhaust rings which will probably come in handy again.

PS: Now I have an 850 I would be to happy to swap my great condition 750 manual for a good condition 850 one if there's anyone out there ...


are you Alistair, late of the Red House?? 


Sorry Jan, not me.

Although ... if there is a pub called the Red House, then I can't guarantee that I haven't been there.


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