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Rigid Inter Chainguard


I am looking for a chainguard for my 1934 rigid inter. It's never had one on it before but I'm planning a couple of longer trips on it that will require some throw over panniers and as it is the left one will get plastered in chain lube!

I've looked at the usual sources, Ken McIntsoh, Paul Norman and the NOC but nothing like. Does anyone know where I might be able to pick something up? Repro or second hand. Any rigid Norton chainguard could probably be used as a good starting point, even if I have to chop and weld new brackets on.

Failing that does anyone have one I could borrow to use as a pattern to make one from scratch? I'd also appreciate any pictures people have of the chainguard on cammy Nortons. As is usually the case a google search returns hundreds of pictures of the 'pretty' side of the bike, but very few that look at what I need to focus on.

Thanks in advance




Stu Rogers has the correct chainguard for your bike, along with most other parts for Inters, pre & post war.

He is 'phone only - 01945 585116



Norton Owners Club Website by 2Toucans