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New old Commandos at the auction in Belgium??


Anyone see any reports as to where these bikes went? I think the auction was about 6 months ago.

After the auction I have never seen any articles about any being put on the road, etc,etc.



I should be surprised if they were. Firstly- and we looked at them well before the auction and said "No, thank you!"- they were stored in an unheated, very humid place. Secondly, they had been in storage since 1977, for over thirty years. All rubber parts, all oil seals have aged and need to be replaced. There is a good chance the bearings are corroded, ditto cylinder bores etc. These bikes, should anybody wish to put one on the road, need a full restoration before the first ride.

Add to that the fact that in most countries in Europe a previously unregistered motorcycle- and they were unregistered- is seen as a "new" motorcycle, and must comply to current legislation. Look at the fact the "new" Commando 961s are still not homologated- which is why so far the only filled orders are to British citizens, as Great Britain has a special ruling for small manufacturers-, and you can understand it is simply not possible to fulfill today's legal requirements with a 1970s bike.

Those who bought one most likely bought them as a "collectors item" and keep them in the crate. Which is probably a wise thing to do. As soon as you ride one it is just another secondhand Commando 850Mk3.


Norton Owners Club Website by 2Toucans