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finding neutral


Hi Folks

So on my 1976 MK3 with the left hand gear shift, I have a problem finding neutral when I want to switch the engine off or at lights , then as I turn the ignition switch off on the last turn of the engine then gearbox clicks back into first gear so I have to go through the whole process of finding neutral again, which it doesn't like doing also the clutch bites very quickly as I release the lever, I did think it was a badly adjusted clutch cable but seems likely its something to do with the neutral selector, I have recently got the bike back on the road after I found it in the back of a (dry) garage where it had been for over 20 years

many thanks MJC



Agreed it could be a gearbox problem but I'd start by making sure that the clutch is in top nick.

Replacing the clutch centre - which had become worn with ridged splines - and two bent plain steel clutch plates solved neutral selection problems on my bike. I checked all the clutch plates for flatness on a piece of plate glass from my local recycling centre.

Worth a try?



Thanks guys, I will look into both those options, funnily enough when I rode to the workshop this morning I switched the bike off using the kill switch and it didn't jump into gear.


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