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early optional hand shift


I've acquired the early hand shift device for my 31 model 20.

Once fitted and the rear nut behind the gear case is tightened the lever will not move.

Removing the spring does nothing to help actually makes no difference .If I slacken the nut the device becomes loose will will shift.

I suspect the stud that goes the the adjust nut for the outer disc maybe be seized.

I've attached 2 photo's

Ideas as to what I'm doing wrong or if indeed the stud is to be free.

Attachments s-l1600.jpg sam_3850-jpg

In my experience these are relatively simple in operation and normal procedure is to assemble, fully tighten up (when the gear change lever will not move) and then gradually loosen until the gear change lever can be moved. When this happens you should see the protruding edge on the backing plate move into a different slot on the rear of the disc the gear lever bolts onto.

As it seems this is not happening I would suggest you check the parts list firstly to ensure you have all the correct parts and secondly all is bolted together in the correct manner.

if you do not have one, you can find a parts list on the excellent

hope this helps.



Previously alan_elstob wrote:

In my experience these are relatively simple in operation and normal procedure is to assemble, fully tighten up (when the gear change lever will not move) and then gradually loosen until the gear change lever can be moved. When this happens you should see the protruding edge on the backing plate move into a different slot on the rear of the disc the gear lever bolts onto.

As it seems this is not happening I would suggest you check the parts list firstly to ensure you have all the correct parts and secondly all is bolted together in the correct manner.

if you do not have one, you can find a parts list on the excellent

hope this helps.


My text above was not the best. The backing plate actually remains static it is the disc to which the gear lever is attached that moves.


Hi Alan

There is no way to adjust mine . My thinking is, in the bottom photo in above post shows the shaft to which the nut screws onto and on the Right is threaded shaft for the spring & nut for adjusting tension.

The item in the middle screws into the outer disc which you lever attaches to.

Problem is that item is solid to the shaft.r

So how does one adjust free play? you can't. Adjusting the spring does nothing which to me means the mid adjuster is seized.

Before I apply heat and possibly ruin the part I just need to know if it is to move freely on the shaft.

I did check vintageNorton site but the only item they show is for the 32 on foot shifter or the early version which is slightly different than mine.





Success. A bit of heat while turning the adjuster feed it.

Now working as it should I have ran into one small problem.

With 1/2 turns of the shift adjuster I can get 1 N 2nd & 3rd gears but 3rd does not go into the notch.

Close ,very close. My box is a 31 CSI upright.

Should it have the disc with the long arm like this one in the photo attached

I also noticed this one has wider grooves as compared to mine.

Attachments sturmey%20archer%202.jpg sturmey-archer-jpg


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