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A big thankyou


I posted this in "Off topic" but as you have to Log-in for that heading to come up (for some reason) I felt it would be better posted where I had received al the help.Just thought I'd post a big "thank you" to all the club members who have so generously and patiently shared their knowledge with me and helped get my '55 ES2 into tip-top condition. Thanks to you I now have little or no leaking from the p/chaincase; gear shifts and neutral are a treat; I now know that I have a Dommie gearbox; the lights are worthy of being called lights (all LED) and it lopes along just as I remember them from the 50's. Thanks guys! George


Haha! Putting me to the test Adam. If the rain stops for a while tomorrow I'll see what I can do.Thanks for your interest.


I bought a "double dipper" headlamp bulb from Classic Dynamo & Regulator Conversions. It fits direct into the bulb holder. Haven't tried it out in the dark but in the garage it is exceptionally bright with a reasonable dip. In fact I've changed all the bulbs to LED's. The rear/stop is equally very bright.George


I found the LED headlight bulb great for being seen - perfect for daylight lights - but not great for actually seeing the road after dark. I have reverted to standard BPF headlight bulbs but stuck to LEDs for everything else.


I forgot to note that the equivalent output is 40/36W from memory.I recall you noting that comment in an earlier thread, Gordon, but I'm unlikely to be out at night on the bike. Nevertheless I'll give it a go and see (sorry!) how I get on. If it's no good then back to tungsten.George


Just tried to send a pic but apparently it has too many mega pixels. How do i reduce them? Should this be off-topic!G


Right. Let's try again. The credit for the rebuild goes to Colin Blundell (Club member) but all the internal fettling (which you can't see) is mine. This pic was taken before I got hold of the bike. Much the same externally except that I've switched the exhaust over to the clutch side (easier to operate and more in keeping with the original layout). Hope this pic attaches OK.Attachments


That looks nice George. My first ES2 in 1967 bought for £8 looked identical but was a 54 model. MBD 12, wonder if its still about? John


Blimey! You can multiply that be lots of hundreds now, John. BTW you can check whether a vehicle still exists by logging on to the DVLA website. G


You're all very kind with your comments but as I noted earlier Colin Blundell (club member) did the rebuild. All my work is internal or hidden. It goes well though! George


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