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1928 CS 1 history



my CS1 from 1928 with frame no. 41872 and Engine No. CS14954 needs history information.

First, who can tell me if the bike has "matching numbers" or of what year, and any other info.

Second: The bike was raced in Switzerland by a scottish racer, this is the only info I have.


According to my old copy of VMCC Register of Machines, Norton reached frame numbers 41xxx in 1930.   And engine numbers 14xxx much earlier...about 1924.  Engine and frame didn't match until after WW2.  The earliest CS engine number in their list is 37xxx in 1928.  Probably best to ride it.  If it was raced, it could easily have blown up, crashed, bits exchanged for another one, etc.


Hello Heiner,

A couple of photos would help but in general, 1928 CS1 frame numbers would be numbered in the range 32,000-34,800.

Engine numbers would be slightly higher in the range 39,600's to 42,100's.

As David has already responded, frame numbers in the 41,000 range generally were used for machines from mid 1930.

However the frame numbers in this era tend to jump around a lot as if batches of frames were used without using the oldest first.

Where did you find your frame number?

Was it on the casting where the front engine plates are bolted to the frame.

Unless there is something unusual recorded in the Factory Records, a CS1 would not usually have a number like 14,954. This number is far too early.


Hello David,

thank you for the information, as I know the scottisch racer must have a great spareparts

departement in Switzerland and so they often mixed parts like they want!  


There are some modifications at the bike, like: the fork is more modern, the gearbox is more modern ( I had the same on my 500cc Formula 3 racer.) But the original gearbox is with the bike.


Norton Owners Club Website by 2Toucans