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Fuel tank


Hi all does anyone have or know where I can get a fuel tank painted or not for my 850 commando interstate not from India.


Depends on where in the country you are? Much safer to drop off and collect the painted tank rather than post. FD Motorcycles in Great Dunmow, Essex are very good, I've had 3 bikes painted by Nick and they have been perfect.


.......where I can get a fuel tank painted or not........

was the question, which I take to mean that Andrew wants to buy an Interstate tank, but not an Indian one. That being the case, I don't know of any non-Indian suppliers of new Interstate tanks, so that leaves finding a used one, probably on Ebay..


Hi All

I also need to replace my fuel tank for my Mk1A as the existing one is extremely bad inside with peeling tank liner ( I don't know what type of liner has been used as it was done before I got the bike and has been standing 18 years!)  I have tried all sorts of tank stripping chemicals to no avail, and have placed an order for an Indian tank, but after they contacted me with some dimensions to compare it appears that the new tank is about 2" shorter than mine, and size is important! Has anyone else had a successful purchase from India and if so let me know which company.

Regards, Malcolm!

If your tank is sound other than the lining issue, it might be worth having a good tin-basher cut off the bottom, or at least a large enough access hole, that you could get inside to mechanically remove the liner. Then have the base welded back in place. Obviously would need to repaint after.

Yes a lot of faffing about, but still an option. Any minor dings could also be taken care of at the same time. 

Yes I have explored that route ,had a quote for cutting open and re welding, sand blasting and then a repaint, but trouble is that's going to come to over £1000.00, I was hoping for a cheaper option, but I am going to have another go at chemical or acid cleaning again, carefully!!

I am fixing the bike up with a view of selling it soon so trying to keep costs down.


Wow that sounds a lot! But I guess the repaint was a major chunk of that? I found Heritage Motor Works through the clubsite Services tag.

They did a smashing job on some serious dents to a S/L tank for me that entailed cutting access through the base. He pressure tested the tank afterwards, and found several pinholes at the rear seam (a known weak spot I think). Repaired those at no extra charge.

I've since had an Electra mudguard repaired and several smaller jobs done too. Having seen his workshop, he has an amazing variety of work on the go- 2/4 wheels and miscellaneous too!

The workshop is near Reading, but it's a bit tucked away, and not very easy to spot from the road.



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