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petrol tap washers

Please forgive me if this has been talked about and the answer found already but I was unable to find any information on the form.

I am having problems with the flat slide cork washers on my Norton big 4 leaking. I have replaced the cork and they still leak. My question is this. Does anybody make new washers out of Viton rubber? If so who are they?

To my thinking it would be a great idea with the ethanol we have in the gas here in the states. But!!! this is why I am asking the question. I'm sure there must be a answer out there.

Thank you very much for your input and help.

Still learning the Norton secrets.

Dave Rademacher

alone in Minnesota



There is plenty of E0 petrol in the US of A, all I use when I am over there. I believe the State of Maine has banned Ethanol, that's how good it is.(Not)

E0 = more MPG and less damage and leakage! Watch out for your hoses spraying fuel onto a hot engine when they fail!!!

I had some issues with the corks in my 16H fuel taps and decided to change to later mechanical taps. Problem solved but it depends how original you want to be? They are std 1/4 BSP thread.



These taps can be a problem, some seem to leak no matter what you try, others do not. Have you tried soaking the complete tap with the new corks in situ in petrol? This will cause the corks to expand and make a seal, but you will need to leave them soaking completly submerged for several days for the best result. If they still leak maybe the sliding plate in the tap is badly worn or the corks are the wrong thickness or material. If the bike is left without fuel able to reach the taps they can dry out and leak again. Also make sure that both top and bottom parts of the tap are fully tight so the corks are properly nipped and the slide is tight to push in and out. Dont overtighten though, its easy to split the tap body!

Good Luck



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