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Can anyone confirm what the correct arrangement should be with regards the attachment of the knuckle and ratchet plate on the selector mechanism in a Laydown gearbox.

Whilst trying to sort a selection problem on my 1956 Dommie that has reared its head again after about four years use, I'm replacing springs and swapping around components on the selector mechanism. Of the four selector units that I have three have the knuckle actuating pin firmly peened into the ratchet plate lug as shown on the left of the attached photo, whilst the other has it fixed to the knuckle itself, as on the right.

The example of a Laydown box in the Mick Hemmings gearbox video shows the knuckle separate, as on the left. The Parts Manuals covering these gearboxes list just a single item, F2/349, "Knuckle Head for Positive Cam Plate", which would suggest a combined pin and roller unit, as on the right !

Later AMC boxes have the roller as a separate item (040078)with the pin part of a much different Ratchet Plate (040111), although RGM also list a separate AMC Pin (040077). I await to see if the latter is compatible with the earlier Laydown gearbox.

If anyone knows what should actually be in a 1956 GB8 gearbox I would appreciate hearing.

Attachments ratchet-plate-knuckles-jpg

My 1952 ES2 (original as far as I know) has the roller with the hole as your left side photo. I remember my 1974 Commando as having a similar layout. I would have thought that provided you have a corresponding set it wouldn't make much difference.


Previously Pete McDermott wrote:

Can anyone confirm what the correct arrangement should be with regards the attachment of the knuckle and ratchet plate on the selector mechanism in a Laydown gearbox.

Whilst trying to sort a selection problem on my 1956 Dommie that has reared its head again after about four years use, I'm replacing springs and swapping around components on the selector mechanism. Of the four selector units that I have three have the knuckle actuating pin firmly peened into the ratchet plate lug as shown on the left of the attached photo, whilst the other has it fixed to the knuckle itself, as on the right.

The example of a Laydown box in the Mick Hemmings gearbox video shows the knuckle separate, as on the left. The Parts Manuals covering these gearboxes list just a single item, F2/349, "Knuckle Head for Positive Cam Plate", which would suggest a combined pin and roller unit, as on the right !

Later AMC boxes have the roller as a separate item (040078)with the pin part of a much different Ratchet Plate (040111), although RGM also list a separate AMC Pin (040077). I await to see if the latter is compatible with the earlier Laydown gearbox.

If anyone knows what should actually be in a 1956 GB8 gearbox I would appreciate hearing.

My 1952 ES-2, 1951 Model 77 and 1953 Model 7 all have the separate knuckles as thefirst time I rebuilt the gearbox I fitted the inner cover before the knuckle and then had to remove the cover to fit the knuckle first. (Don't understand why the font has changed and won't correct).


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