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General engine restoration


Can I ask if anybody has any reccomendations for a general engine refurbishment of a 1946 Model 18. I don't have the time or expertise to do this myself. I am based in the Midlands.

Grateful for any information.




I second that. He rebuilt my '49 Model 18 and it goes REALLY well. No way could I have achieved the same result.



Over the last several months he has done 3 engines for me, a very professional bloke, knows his stuff. Give him a call regarding costs, all 3 engines have cost different amounts depending onthe work done. i costed up the price of the work doing it myself (Im a mechanical engineer by trade) and could have had the work done cheaper, but it would have taken longer and I may have had to trail up and down the country to various specialists....however the guy is a mine of information regarding what fits what and has built many engines and for me to build up that level of knowledge would take years and this as much as anything is what you pay for. I consider in my humble opinion that the price he charged was very fair.

The only downside is his location, there are bloody roadworks going on for miles near his workshop and it takes ages to get there

Happy New Year



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