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Front mudguard modification for Roadrider tyre


I have changed to Avon Roadrider 100/90 tyres front and rear on my wideline 99, as the old SM was not good on the back, but the front is too tight for the mudguard bracket. The 90/90 by 19" has the same profile. The answer seems to be modify the bracket a little where it bulges in, and the mudguard. The purists may disagree, but the quality of the ride and braking is paramount, I think. Does anyone have helpful hints about getting adequate clearance round the tyre?


I use a 90/90 x 19 on the front but my rim is a WM1 (1.6").  This does squeeze the tyre profile a little but is still in spec according to Avon. I have no clearance issues on my 99 with 7" fork spacings and an original mudguard.


The mudguard bridge only just clears the fork legs ,so not much leeway there. What we need is for Avon to make some 75X90 X 19" tyres that would be a DIRECT replacement for the 3.00 x19 and some 90x90 tyres to replace the 3.50x19 tyres .Tyres that actually measure the size they are listed to be.


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