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Fastback seat


Can anyone tell me where i can get a fast back seat norvil dont do them any more.




Try Andover Norton- 06-0501 Standart Fastback Seat, 06-2233 Fastback Longrange seat. Both should be available off the shelf. Tel.01488-686816.



Believe you were in Scotland the weekend of our Norton weekend, you should have dropped in................probably safer!



How do you mean "safer"? Safer than making a total prat of myself, totalling a bike and hurting myself? You must be joking!




Confession is said to be very good for the soul, and probably for the back too.

I'm sure you'll feel much better telling us all about it! Photographs to illustrate would be nice too.




Though Gerd Froebe states- truthfully!- in "Those incredible Men in their Flying Machines" "Nothing is impossible for a German officer" I was somewhat distracted by motocrossing a road bike at 50+mph in rough terrain and forgot to take photographs of my fight with the bucking machine, or of my flight after we parted company. Not that it was impossible for me, see above! I hope you can forgive me for it. I have sent you some shots by e-mail that were taken a bit later to compensate for my forgetfulness.

All I have to confess is that my tumble was totally unnecessary and caused only by overconfidence and lack of attention. Even when I went on green I did not take my detour from the tarmac seriously. Little did I know how deep those puddles beside the road were until my front wheel well-nigh disappeared in them. My back says this confession does not improve its state, only time will do that.



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