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Bike turntable or dolly

Can anyone recommend a turntable or dolly suitable for a Commando size bike, and also a BMW K75? I tried one of those smallish disc turntables, but in addition to the difficulty of deploying the centre stand in exactly the right position, it didn't work effectively on an uneven surface. I now have a level floor, but want something guaranteed to work without a lot of pushing and pulling. I like the look of the Acebikes 'U-Turn Motor Mover', which seems to require very little effort. No  need even to ride or push the bike up onto it - slides in from the side and then a lever is used to lift the wheels. Side stand props the bike up, so no lugging onto the main stand either.

Thanks for any advice from experience, Mike

That's a good possibility thanks Ian - but I think maybe I need something which turns and can easily move a bike about within my rather cramped storage space. That's an attraction of the one I mentioned.

In reply to by michael_brealey


Like yourself I am short of storage space for my two m’cycles -Commando and BMW R1100S. Some 15 years ago  I bought a Wunderlich Easypark (XL). Found it easy to manoeuvre the jacked-up bike (must use centre stand); 360 degree on the spot rotation and diagonal movement. Basically four ball bearing mounted twin polyamide wheels each with a brake (see pictures). The XL has a claimed capacity  of 320kg. Based on performance I bought a second Easypark. It’s a bit of a hike getting the Norton on to the platform because of the trajectory of the Commando stand whereas the BMW just rolls on. A smooth floor helps. I had to replace the platform pad on one of the Easyparks otherwise no probs. I think that Wunderlich has updated the design recently. Picture Robin

.. thanks Robin. It looks very sturdy. How about moving bikes sideways if the front wheel is always going to be on the floor - or maybe a push down at the back is enough to  bring it clear? And what a lovely smooth floor you appear to have, Mike

There is some resistance when moving the Easypark sideways but not to the extent of it being an issue. The front wheel is only lightly in contact with the floor. I find that I intuitively find the path of least resistance when moving the loaded unit from one point to another. 

In reply to by robin_robb


If it obeys commands it might be just the thing, Mike


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