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Sorry another LED question has anyone purchased a cheap bulb from China?


Yes for a dominator and a commando . in a pre focus light unit. work good 


Yes , I have,

all the bulbs are made in China, if you have some patience you will find the same bulbs as local shops sell, but I wouldn`t waste time to search for it, buy it locally.


All the bulbs may be made in China, for all I know, but the question was about cheap bulbs — thus presumably not well-known brands like Philips.


Not bad. I have them on my dynamo bikes. The beam is almost as good as the original BPF bulbs and of course the current consumption is minimal. I have stuck to conventional bulbs on my alternator bikes. Might as well use the surplus wiggly amps to light up the road.

Note: These comments apply only to the lensed headlight LED bulbs. The earlier ones are useless. Additionally, I use LED stop/tails on all my bikes. And my tractor and trailer.


Before anything, check out Mark Steele and an eye specialist......


Is this the correct Mark Steele?

Having watched his video, I can conclude that he is completely sane and has a deep understanding of electronic and radio frequency engineering.

Someone should give him a Commando to analyse and no doubt he would conclude that the pea shooter is a secret sonic weapon that the government paid Norton to fit such they could inflict nausea, vomiting, headaches and death at will upon the general public.   


Because if 5G hasn't already killed you or given you Covid, LEDs will make you go blind apparently. I'm sure I was told as a boy that it was doing something else that caused that. 


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