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Looking For A 650SS


I'm looking for a 650ss and am seeking some advice.

a) are the later models a better buy/more reliable

b) are there issues with the twin carbs

c) any other pitfalls to be aware of

d) what would be a reasonable price, commensurate with condition of course


William - Nobody else has replied and there are better experts than me but I'll start the ball rolling...

1964 on had wider spaced fork yokes (there is a steering lock hole on the top crown so it's easy to see). They make it easier to fit wider tyres but that's all. All tinware is hard to find but post 1964 is probably a bit easier to get hold of.

The cylinder head oiling was also improved. But search this site for all the model change details.

Lots of people like a single carb. But then it does not look (to me) like an SS so that rather spoils it (to me). I don't have any real problems with twin carbs as long as the carb top adjuster lock nuts are tight. But mine is only the 500 (88SS) and I like the extra urge, especially on a nearby steep hill.

Pitfalls? Surely not! Most of them wet sump if left too long - huge number of mails about that on here. Same goes for primary chain case leaks. But none of that matters on the road.

Price no comments possible!




Previously David Cooper wrote:

William - Nobody else has replied and there are better experts than me but I'll start the ball rolling...

1964 on had wider spaced fork yokes (there is a steering lock hole on the top crown so it's easy to see). They make it easier to fit wider tyres but that's all. All tinware is hard to find but post 1964 is probably a bit easier to get hold of.

The cylinder head oiling was also improved. But search this site for all the model change details.

Lots of people like a single carb. But then it does not look (to me) like an SS so that rather spoils it (to me). I don't have any real problems with twin carbs as long as the carb top adjuster lock nuts are tight. But mine is only the 500 (88SS) and I like the extra urge, especially on a nearby steep hill.

Pitfalls? Surely not! Most of them wet sump if left too long - huge number of mails about that on here. Same goes for primary chain case leaks. But none of that matters on the road.

Price no comments possible!




Thanks for this David and for taking the time to reply. I guess the wet sumping is fairly usual across all the dommie range if not all the Norton range. It's certainly something I'm used to. I'd agree the twin carbs look good and make it instantly identifiable. Thanks for the tip re lock nuts, I'll bear that in mind if ever I get to the stage of owning one.




A 650SS is the one to have, but bear in mind that it would only be as good as its last rebuild. If you can, go for one that is used rather than one which looks pretty. There are too many tales of apparently restored bikes being sold which are subsequently found to be mechanical disasters. From the riding and maintenance point of view, I prefer a single carb. It will wet sump, they all do if left long enough. Use it every day or even every week and you wouldn't notice it.

Best of luck with your search.


Previously Gordon Johnston wrote:

A 650SS is the one to have, but bear in mind that it would only be as good as its last rebuild. If you can, go for one that is used rather than one which looks pretty. There are too many tales of apparently restored bikes being sold which are subsequently found to be mechanical disasters. From the riding and maintenance point of view, I prefer a single carb. It will wet sump, they all do if left long enough. Use it every day or even every week and you wouldn't notice it.

Best of luck with your search.

Thanks Gordon. All I have to do is find one!


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