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Navigator rear brake


Can I put a rear brake Ã? la Electra in my Navigator swingarm?

I have a surplus 18 inch rear wheel from my Commando, would only need a brake plate and shoes for it.Same as in the Altlas.

But I guess the Electra swing arm is different?


I have no definitive answer but some facts-the wheel/brake should be the same, but I do understand the Commando wheel had an offset.Now the brake plate, I would think that the Electra and Navigator would be the same. The Electra does have another part ie the traditional brake stay bolted between the swinging arm and another plate that sits on the wheel spindle, chances are this is all the same as the Navigator. but not the same as Atlas, 650SS, Mercury, early Commando.Hopefully some facts will come to light eventually.



The Electra has a different, very different, rear swinging arm from the Navigator and Jubilee, which are the same.

No slot on the Electra swinging arm for the rear brake plate.

No brackets on the Electra swinging arm to accept the lower part of the full chain cover.

Bracket mount welded on the Electra swinging arm toattach theforward end of the rear brake torque arm. The torque arm and bracket are Electra features that unfortunatelyprevent the fully enclosed rear chain option.

The Electra rear brake is not that good anyway. The sheet steel brake plate flexes a lot with the heavily offset brake arm trying to twist , as well as turn, the rear brake spindle/cam.

My advice is to stick with the Navigator rear brake.

Good luck



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