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Members having a laugh at others expense?

I saw this comment ('having a laugh at other's expense') and it got me thinking, a dangerous thing!

Sometimes the advice is not always 100% accurate and that includes what I have said but always respected that members write to the best of their knowledge and in their experience. I find it always good to keep the advice in mind even when taking a different approach! More about that in another thread...

However, I have never found anyone to be having a laugh by knowingly giving out duff technical information that could result in failure, expense or worse, on this site, especially without correction. Is anyone aware of such practice and if they are then this surely would be a case for the Webmaster to make a deletion.

But before going any further, let us not interpret this as a difference of opinion, such as oil grade or method one uses as what works for them, etc.

I'm not aware of any member purposely trying to cause harm, or should there be only a list of so called trusted members allowed to post their experience on fettling Norton's rather than the wider pool of experience?

What do you think?


Hi, Neil.

I'm presuming the comment you're referring to is the one I made earlier today on another thread. Just to clarify I was most definitely not trying to insinuate that any club members would do such a thing. In fact quite the opposite as having had several similar comments from other members means I'm happy to accept the course they suggest. What I was referring to was the wider internet, following searches, with comments by people you don't know so you can't be 100% sure they're genuine or have the necessary expertise.

Apologies if anyone's misinterpreted and taken offence.


Hi Lance, No worries but I was concerned that perhaps I'd missed something and NOC members had been guilty of wind ups. That wouldn't be acceptable but I dare say it can happen on the wider net for sure. Glad to know all is well.

Hope you have your bike back to good order.


Norton Owners Club Website by 2Toucans