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Gearbox Identification - Dominator 99 engine in a 650ss cycle


I am now moving on to rebuild my gearbox since a mainshaft bearing collapse (on top of the various other mistreatment and bodges the bike has been assailed with) seems to have been the reason why the bike was pushed into a shed 35 plus years ago.

I am aware of changes in the early 60's to the gearboxes meaning that the parts differ. Given that the gearbox could have been from the 650ss or the 99 I should like to positively identify which parts I should be buying.

The gearbox number is NA5111 which from my research I take to be a later one and most likely from the 650ss. 

Can the wise ones of this forum please confirm or otherwise my conclusions?

Many Thanks


Hello Alan - Yes your gearbox is an early 650SS AMC type and is known as the AMC2 variety.  This gives you the slightly different ratios and a stronger kickstart spring arrangement.   Get a strong European bearing if you can - SKF , FBC etc .  Regards, Howard

Thanks Howard, can I assume that means I go for a 64 on gearbox refurb kit? I have already noticed a difference in bearing offerings from the usual suppliers.

Best Wishes, Alan.






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