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Dublin to Wicklow - best route?

Just trying to work out the best route from Dublin Port to Wicklow for the International Rally.

I'm travelling with Irish Ferries arriving in Dublin at around 7pm, is it better to head north on the M50 & skirt Dublinheading back South on the E01, or head directly South to the N11/E01 (either wayappears to be a contender for the most 'safety camera's' in the least distance!).




My wife does this journey every so often and says that the motorway route will be faster but as you are in the evening and not the daytime, there might not be that much difference. The motorway route requires payment of a toll but she thinks there might be a way through on the more direct route that avoids paying money.


Thanks Chris, it looks like the direct route South through Dublin then 'coastal'through Bray &Greystones ismore interesting (& free), howeveraccording to Google Maps it takes twice as long - perhaps a route for the return journey :). After riding over from Lincolnshire I'll be keen to get to the bar, so I guess I'll route both E01 possibilities & see who elseis on the ferry when I arrive on theThursday evening (or what the weather may be like) wink


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