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Chaincase chrome/paint finish


I have a chromed Model 18 Chaincase that I now understand should be black with the domes in chrome. I have searched for some pictorial evidence of this but no luck. Can anybody confirm if this is the case and possibly post an image?


Tom - what year is your Model 18? The original Norton catalogues are not going to be much help as with a few exceptions, they always depicted the machines from the timing side.


Hi Chris

Its a 1946, girder forks. Factory card says built end of 1945. Yes it seems a problem as most of the photographs I find seem to show that side as well.

Previously Chris Grimmett wrote:

Tom - what year is your Model 18? The original Norton catalogues are not going to be much help as with a few exceptions, they always depicted the machines from the timing side.


My case is currently all chrome - see attached image - with no enamel but it is less than perfect so I need to decide whether to have it rechromed and then painted or just painted. Obviously one job has a considerable cost implication over the other. I imagine that is why you rarely see them with the chroime domes.

Previously Chris Grimmett wrote:

Tom - what year is your Model 18? The original Norton catalogues are not going to be much help as with a few exceptions, they always depicted the machines from the timing side.

Attachments Norton-Chaincase.jpg

This image identified as a 1946 18 seems to show the chaincase with just the front dome and the sides in chrome.

Previously Tom Craig wrote:

My case is currently all chrome - see attached image - with no enamel but it is less than perfect so I need to decide whether to have it rechromed and then painted or just painted. Obviously one job has a considerable cost implication over the other. I imagine that is why you rarely see them with the chroime domes.

Previously Chris Grimmett wrote:

Tom - what year is your Model 18? The original Norton catalogues are not going to be much help as with a few exceptions, they always depicted the machines from the timing side.

Attachments Screen%20Shot%202014-01-12%20at%2010.29.38%20AM.png


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