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Atlas ignition problems



i have a 1964 Atlas with a Lucas RITA ignition system. The ignition system has now let me down twice. The engine just dies and spark vanishes, last time i looked for loose connections, found none, and after standing 30 mins it 'got better' and started so i got home. I'd love to resort back to Magneto but don't think i'll easily find mag and auto advance in my price range. The problem may be coils or the RITA box, i think ? Anyway contemplating one of Electrex Digital Ignition Alternator kits. Has anyone had good / bad experiences of this system ? Other ideas ? Thanks in anticipation.


Hi Dave - yes I have it looks okay, hasn't moved and there no 'broken bits' I can see

It's a devil to diagnose but I suspect the coils ( or a coil ) breaking down when vibrating or hot


Hi Chris, I had exactly the same problem with my thruxton rep t120, fitted with the Boyer electrics, after having Boyers check out the system inc.coils, and checking all the connections, I suspected that a break in the wiring system was to blame, took the plunge and fitted a new wiring harness and had no more problems with this!(not good at meter checking cables!!)

good luck!



thanks Terry good advice, the harness has been butchered over the years so my thinking is Electrex system to rewire ignition - rather than fiddle trying to test the RITA and coils ;o))


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