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Atlas single carb conversion



I have been trying to run my 64 Atlas on twin 389 monoblocs but have decided to switch to a single carb. Can anyone recommend a suitable single carb set up for this bike. I am not looking for high speed just a pleasant tourer and easy starter without the daily twiddling. I had hoped to use one of the 389 carbs but can't seem to source a manifold. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


On my Rally touring Atlas I fitted a single 930 Concentric. This worked well for me, giving 60+ mpg when motorway cruising. I did try a 932 which restored the acceleration oomph and top end that I lost with the single 930 but it guzzled fuel and idling was always lumpy. RGM used to offer a complete single carb conversion. You got a manifold and choice of carb.

See attachment for their advice page.

Attachments rgm-carb-choice-doc

Thanks Phil,

unfortunately at present they have no Atlas manifolds and are very busy so no time line when they will be manufacturing again. I have placed a wanted classified here asking if anyone has one for sale. A single 930 sounds the way to go. Paul.


Hi Gordon,

if you have one and are willing to part with it please drop me a message, I will be very happy to buy it from you as they seem to be rare as hen's teeth. Paul.


Paul. If you don't want to splash out on a new carb at the moment, one of your monoblocs should go straight on the single carb manifold, without touching the settings, as a starting point. Unless they are kn#cked, that is! Failing that, if you go the concentric route, I may be interested in your monoblocs..... Unless they are kn#ckered, that is!



Paul - Should you choose to go with a single carb try to get the manifold that secures to the head with two studs (outer fixing) and two cap-headed allen bolts (accessed through the carb orifice). I got one that only fixes on the two outer studs and it continually leaked air to the inlet. I got it machined to fix the fault - not cheap. All the Mercury models had the better manifold. Some people claim Genuine Norton part - but beware. Good Luck, Howard


Previously howard_robinson wrote:

Paul - Should you choose to go with a single carb try to get the manifold that secures to the head with two studs (outer fixing) and two cap-headed allen bolts (accessed through the carb orifice). I got one that only fixes on the two outer studs and it continually leaked air to the inlet. I got it machined to fix the fault - not cheap. All the Mercury models had the better manifold. Some people claim Genuine Norton part - but beware. Good Luck, Howard

Look up 'MotoCarb' and if using the four point fixing manifold don't forget the Loctite on the inner fixings.



Thank you to all that replied with most useful advice. Gordon has come up trumps with the manifold and I will update once it's fitted with a 389, hopefully I can put some miles on it this year! Paul.


Previously paul_dudill wrote:

Thank you to all that replied with most useful advice. Gordon has come up trumps with the manifold and I will update once it's fitted with a 389, hopefully I can put some miles on it this year! Paul.

I recently fitted a NORVIL single carb manifold to my 650SS using one or the original carbs.

Spot on with next to no setting up required.


I wouldn't think one 1 1/16" carburettor is big enough for a 650SS

Previously thomas_newton wrote:

Previously paul_dudill wrote:

Thank you to all that replied with most useful advice. Gordon has come up trumps with the manifold and I will update once it's fitted with a 389, hopefully I can put some miles on it this year! Paul.

I recently fitted a NORVIL single carb manifold to my 650SS using one or the original carbs.

Spot on with next to no setting up required.


Previously paul_standeven wrote:

I wouldn't think one 1 1/16" carburettor is big enough for a 650SS

Previously paul_dudill wrote:

....once it's fitted with a 389...

Paul S..... 389 Monoblocs start at 1 1/8".....

Having said that, Triumphs used to fit small carbs. For example, T110's from 1955-61 were fitted with a single 1 1/16" 376, and they went rather well.....


Quick update, manifold fitted (thanks Gordon) and a Amal 930 Carb. Bike starts easily, TICKS OVER!!!!, accelerates smoothly and the plugs are brownish. Roll on summer and a big thank you to all who advised. Paul.


Hello Paul.

Can you tell me what you use for adjustment?

Throttle Slide?

Needle Jet?

Main Jet?

Thanks in advance.



Hi Rene,

I do have the information you require written down somewhere and once I remember where I will get back to you. The engine has only done 60 miles since full rebuild so how good the carb will be over 40mph remains to be seen but you are welcome to the info, once I remember where it is! Paul.


Also a simple fix for the problem of fuel overheating and vapourising that was a constant pain on my Atlas when trying to use the bike for stop/start work. The extra flow through the single carb setup keeps the fuel cooler. Much better economy too. However, had to dress the mating surface on the manifold on a sheet of plate glass to achieve a seal between the manifold and the head.....gasket notwithstanding. This was a new part from one of the usual suspects. Disappointing.

David Chambers


Previously rene_evers wrote:

Hello Paul.

Can you tell me what you use for adjustment?

Throttle Slide?

Needle Jet?

Main Jet?

Thanks in advance.



I set my single cab Atlas up with similar settings to those used on the single 930 Concentric carb Mercury 650.

so......280 main jet

.........106 needle jet

.........throttle valve 3

.........pilot jet 25

These worked well for my engine with no air filter. The plugs were the right colour, the bike started easily and gave up to 60mpg when cruising at 70mph.


My single carb Atlas is running on the standard 389 book settings:

main 350, needle 106, pilot 20, throttle slide 3, needle D on position 3.

I just took one of its twin carbs when I did the change and didn't alter it in any way.

It goes rather well and gives about 60 mpg.


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