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Oil leak


Hi, I have oil leaking past jubilee clip on return spigot at oil tank it is a 71 roadster does anyone have any idea. Thanks Alan.



Hi Alan

As you probably know oil leaks do not always come from where they appear to come from. The oil tank is often neglected but they do need checking and a through clean every now and then, sludge builds up in the bottom but after 50 years worth of vibration the tank may have a crack where the "spigot" is welded to the body of the tank.

I think it would pay you to remove it, clean it, check it and replace the hose and Jubilee clip.

Just to be sure the leak is coming from where you think it is clean all surrounding areas and run the bike stationary and observe.  




... aren't brilliant as they don't exert even pressure all the way round. Those clips with a flat metal band and 2 "ears" with a nut & bolt are better ( but best of all is to crimp proper end fittings although of course these aren't removeable. Another type of clips are these: which again are single use. And these: which need to be carefully sized but work very well.


A better clip than the usual jubilee worm drive type clip is one called Unex. These are a stainless steel clip that has a proper constricting action. Available with thumb wheels or screw driver slot. They are quite light but the pressure rating of them is very high. I believe in the couple of thousand PSI range. I use these all over, especially where stuff has to be frequently dismantled as the thumb wheel action makes it a 'no tool' exercise. and the constricting action makes for a very sound leakproof connection. 

Unex clips



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