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Message replies

The big problem with the latest message at the top (apart from the fact that reversing the order of the paragraphs in a story differs from every other book in the English language!) is that if you want to type into the box below the last message so as to avoid re-copying all the previous text - you must scroll all the way to the bottom anyway.So now we have a proliferation of writers clicking the 'reply' box - and copying all previous messages over and over again!


I eagerly await a return to the correct, established message order. I am all in favour of individualism, but to be the onlyforum which is out of step with the rest of the world is a bit trying. Why no word from our democratically elected overlords?


Previously alan_rogers wrote:

I also prefer the old format, if it wasn't broken why fix it?


Minority Rules! OK?


Previously Gordon Johnston wrote:

I eagerly await a return to the correct, established message order. I am all in favour of individualism, but to be the onlyforum which is out of step with the rest of the world is a bit trying. Why no word from our democratically elected overlords?

Hello I am with you on this one Individualism is right out there in front , with me, !!! yours anna J


The decision to reverse the ordering posts was made following a number of comments and posts that we should do so. The reason often given was that the first comment had often been overtaken by subsequent postings and on a long thread the original post could have been posted days, weeks and even occasionally years previously. We can look at this again but we may find that another group of people will respond that it was better with the latest postl first. I will ensure that we consider, in the light of experience, whether we should revert to the previous system.

Tim Harrison, Chairman

Previously David Cooper wrote:

The big problem with the latest message at the top (apart from the fact that reversing the order of the paragraphs in a story differs from every other book in the English language!) is that if you want to type into the box below the last message so as to avoid re-copying all the previous text - you must scroll all the way to the bottom anyway. So now we have a proliferation of writers clicking the 'reply' box - and copying all previous messages over and over again!


hurrah, at last i find the page to write, it took so long i forgot what i was about to say...............

ah , why is everyone complaining, is it about the fact they cannot find their way around this site anymore, and I thought my brain, which is not good at any time, had finally given up all sense of reason. JC !!!!! lifes tough enough. but now i have a page to write on , has anyone got some old front pipes and retaining nuts for a 1964 ss 650 for sale please, age patina a must,the angle of the ports seem to be spread apart much wider than my 500 from 1959 if that helps identify the type i require, many thanks


Previously tim_harrison wrote:

The decision to reverse the ordering posts was made following a number of commenrts and posts that we should do so.

Were the number of comments greater than you are getting now? John







Many of the threads are too long because of the laziness of some contributors. It does not seem to matter which order the messages are posted in the threads are continually swamped byPreviouslyPreviouslyPreviouslyPreviouslyPreviouslyPreviously

PreviouslyPreviouslyPreviouslyPreviouslyPreviouslyPreviously etc.

My legal adviser tells me that I should claim a royalty fee for each time my messages are re-posted without my permission on this WebSite.


Previously Phil Hannam wrote:






Many of the threads are too long because of the laziness of some contributors. It does not seem to matter which order the messages are posted in the threads are continually swamped byPreviouslyPreviouslyPreviouslyPreviouslyPreviouslyPreviously

PreviouslyPreviouslyPreviouslyPreviouslyPreviouslyPreviously etc.

My legal adviser tells me that I should claim a royalty fee for each time my messages are re-posted without my permission on this WebSite.

It can't be beyond the wit of man to let technology solve this crisis!!

A sort option at the top of the page would surely please everybody?


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