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Destruction of tacho gearboxes......


Giday, my 650ss has pushed the end plug out of the tacho box twice in about 1500 miles, is this something that happens or do I have a cam end float problem or similar ? Thank,Dave from Bathurst


Possible end load from a too long cable?,Some end plugs are drilled and wired in ,if enough metal overlap on the casing.


The small washer can just fall out, as it has happened to meto few of my revcounters on my Atlas engines. One fell out and the drive gear stayed in place till i stopped, then fell out so i could retrive it.The racers had a split pin added to stop this. The later pattern type get around this by having a complete casting with outa small brass cover that is just a push fit. Some of my bikes that came back from America had i think a 25 cent coin driven into the end where the original brass disc had fallen out. This subject has been raised before on this site.


Giday, thank you for your replys, I'm going to investigate cable fit and I'll have a look to find the previous writings on this. I managed not to lose either gear so its off to the shed to turn up a new plug for both of them and devise a method for making their departure less likely.

Dave from Bathurst


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