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Re: Featherbed crown Lug & column removal

Hi Hope you can help.

The front fork crown lug of my featherbed frame is I think out of kilter. (The forks look perfectly plumb). I want to get the headstock off and I can't for the life of me see how to extract the crown lug from the headstock after removing the headrace adjuster nut.




Thanks Steve

I have that view but it doesn't help me to understand how I remove the crown lug unit from the frame headstock, I made the assumption that by removing the headrace adjuster nut on the tube it would drop from the frame..but no.

I'm likely simply having a 'thick' moment but its bambozling me.




Nuts 34 screw into stanchions 1. Slacken nuts 34 and unwind them a short distance. Then tap them down to break the taper from stanchion 1 to crown 36. Protect the tops of the nuts with hardwood pack so you don't bruise the nuts.

Then back the top nuts 34 away from rod nuts 14 and unscrew to remove top nuts. And drop the stanchion on your toe if you forgot to support it.

Good luck. I hope someone else contributes because forks always confuse me.


I'm trying to remove 26 from the frame headstock having removed nut 30, the stantions 1 are already removed.


Sounds like the lower yoke and headstock tube is stuck in the bottom bearing? If that's the case then a block of wood and a few wallops with the hammer should do the trick.


Brilliant...there was me thinking there was some fangled extraction method that required a some kind of specialist tool....and it did, 60 seconds of whacking with a hammer, out.

Thanks to you both.


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