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Refitting a Commando gearbox


O.K. I give in! I have had the gearbox out of my 2A before - about 20 years ago and also got it back in again - with a fair amount of jiggling and minus a little bit of gearbox side plate. This time I got it out OK but cannot get the thing back in.

The box is clearly designed to pop in and out without the engine in place, but I have no intention of removing the engine to do something I succesfully managed before. So what's the clever trick you experts use to do this?



You need too remove the lower two bolts across the back of the engine and rotate the gearbox cradle to the the rear on the rear iso bolt. That will expose the cutout in the RHS gearbox plate that is masked by the engine to allow you to swivel the gearbox into an eye pleasing position.


Memory like a sieve! As soon as I read the bit about removing the rear engine bolts I remembered doing that last time out. Thankyou for that! I'm now fascinated by how I got the gearbox out this time as those engine bolts are still firmly in place - and if it came out it must also be able to go back in? But I prefer to remove the engine bolts!

Thanks again,



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