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Meet up at AGM

I Will be attending the AGM at Norton HQ April 13th. Chance for chat between us owners and the doom mongers.Great venue! and a free lunch..fab.


Previously dave_sheppard wrote:

I Will be attending the AGM at Norton HQ April 13th. Chance for chat between us owners and the doom mongers.Great venue! and a free lunch..fab.

well some of use are not dome Mongers you like this machine well that fine, as its you that pay for it, you cannot take that way, is just some members prefer the original Bracebridge machines and nothing else lives up to that, there like thoroughbred race horses to some, so enjoy riding yours anna j


Previously anna jeannette Dixon wrote:

Previously dave_sheppard wrote:

I Will be attending the AGM at Norton HQ April 13th. Chance for chat between us owners and the doom mongers.Great venue! and a free lunch..fab.

well some of use are not dome Mongers you like this machine well that fine, as its you that pay for it, you cannot take that way, is just some members prefer the original Bracebridge machines and nothing else lives up to that, there like thoroughbred race horses to some, so enjoy riding yours anna j

OK AJ we know all that. However I see in one of your posts elsewhere with machines from Bracebridge no two bikes were the same ! So we will enjoy our bikes and you can do the same, I have both old and new Commando's and also have had a couple of 650 ss Nortons and loved them all.

John Mc


Previously john_mcnicoll wrote:

Previously anna jeannette Dixon wrote:

Previously dave_sheppard wrote:

I Will be attending the AGM at Norton HQ April 13th. Chance for chat between us owners and the doom mongers.Great venue! and a free lunch..fab.

well some of use are not dome Mongers you like this machine well that fine, as its you that pay for it, you cannot take that way, is just some members prefer the original Bracebridge machines and nothing else lives up to that, there like thoroughbred race horses to some, so enjoy riding yours anna j

OK AJ we know all that. However I see in one of your posts elsewhere with machines from Bracebridge no two bikes were the same ! So we will enjoy our bikes and you can do the same, I have both old and new Commando's and also have had a couple of 650 ss Nortons and loved them all.

John Mc

Hello all. to me it doesn't matter what bike you ride its the pleasure that you get out of it, I have not and never will criticize any bike that a person rides its their choice, their pride and joy, thats why I cannot understand people, members of clubs, openly castigate against manufactures, owners especially when they have never ridden what they are ripping to piece, funny things people eh. happy miles Paul.


How many 961's made it to the AGM and is anybody going to post any photos?

In the end I could not make it due to an urgent family commitment, but I shall be on my 961 at the Donnington CRMC event.


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