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Paint rattle can alternatives


I have an Interstate tank that i am going to use to replace my rotten fibre glass  '71 Roadster tank but it needs painting. The glass tank is the sparkly blue colour. I am looking for a rattle can alternative which I can use on the Inter tank, I am aware that I wont get a match and will have to do the side panels as well.

Any suggestions on a suitable alternative please?


Hi. If you want the exact colour match and aren’t too worried about losing the ‘sparkle’, there are paint supply shops out there that will scan an existing colour on an item (e.g. a side panel) and then produce an exact colour match in rattle cans. My local one (Riolett, Milton Keynes 01908 991095  ) offers 2k and ‘non-2k’ paints via this method. They may even allow you to send a side panel and do everything by postal service or courier if you’re not local.




I have a similar situation. I have a good Fastback tank in original Fireflake blue that has never had ethanol in it. I plan to use it for a while with E0 petrol before going to the expense of painting it. So I wanted to paint the tail to be an acceptable match. I used rattle cans from Custom Paints. Using a coarse silver metallic, followed by their metallic blue base and then fine blue flake. I am now in the process of clear coating with their 2k product. The colour is close to the original and is the best I have found so far.

I have attached some pics of the stages. Feel free to message me if you would like the exact paints I used.





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