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Easter quiz


Im over from the big twins side

I was at my mums today for Easter lunch and as she knows I have just started a norton

Project she had dug out this picture of my grandad on this lovely old norton

He would have been about 10ish and I guess it was taken about 1930's onwards

The answer is what is the model???


What a great photo. The ultimate stripey jumper. I want one!

It's a little early for me but no-one else seems to be free this evening. The saddle tank looks like a 1929 and the ohv engine in a three-stay frame points, I think to the ES2 ?


Might even be a 348cc JE of 1931 ish?

From here it looks like your Granddad is on the first ever 'poor man's Manx !'

My question has to be: Is it still about?

Thanks to number plate dealers and those happy to make a fast profit, the likes of this question can never be answered.


Another look at the picture suggests it might be an ES2 or Model 18 (490cc)

Always difficult to see because of the camera angle but the barrel does look slightly longer.

Right about the frame points Richard.

Saddle tanks came in in 1929 and the magneto moved from front to rear of the cylinder.


I never thought this would be such a mystery?

Sadly the bike is not around I think the photo was most probably taken in Ireland as that where he was born and I don't think he came England until about the 40's...

It looks a craker tho in the photo


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