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Choke position Dommie


Stupid question here.

On a 1956 Dommie with a monobloc carb, is the choke on or off with the handlebar lever pulled towards you ?


Depends if you have a standard lever. Just remember that it's a tight cable for no choke, slack cable for choke



Previously philip_hughes wrote:

Stupid question here.

On a 1956 Dommie with a monobloc carb, is the choke on or off with the handlebar lever pulled towards you ?

Even when you 'know' which is the correct way, it is still easy to forget and end up riding with the choke on and wondering why the bike isn't pulling properly - not that I have any personal experience of this, you understand! (Have now marked control lever with OFF and ON position).


My Commnado 750 had an SU carb. With this set-up the lever was pulled to give choke and pushed to slacken the cable for off.

Not too sure what the Mikuni conversions for Norton have in place now. I believe that it used to be an on-off lever like the Mk 2 Concentrics.


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