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Brake shoe fitting


Are there different way of holding the brake shoes in place?

My rear brake shoes are held in place with two bolts holding down a plate and retaining washer (the same as the one seen in the attached image). I'm having problems opening these bolts to get the break shoes off, but that's a different issue.

My query is that on the front there's nothing holding the brake shoes, they slide onto the pegs in the same way, bur there's no hole in the pegs where a bolt can be fitted (I'll follow up with an image), so what holds them in place?



Attachments noron-brake-shoes-jpg

The retaining plate type is later (I thought Commando but it could have changed sooner). The pre-war system involves small wire circlips which are pushed down the pivots into retaining grooves.

They are easily lost and I don't know if they are obtainable.


Thanks again Richard. Everything I've found suggests that the plate I have on the back brake might well be for a comando, which is unlikely, but not impossible. It seems to fit fine though.

On the front, I do have the groves for the circlips, so that makes sense. I don't have these, so if they are not obtainable, I need another solution.

Hopefully this company will have the size I need:


The retaining plate system is better as it braces the pivots. I beleive that there has been a post on here detailing how to modify the earlier back plate and thereby improving the brake.

The standard circlip is simply wire (no ears)...are the grooves in the posts rounded or square ?


I think the groves are rounded (see image).

I've not been able to find the right circlips online anywhere. I'd have thought there would be a few people out there looking for these.

Would using wire twisted together one end work?

Attachments imag1849-jpg


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