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Hi all,

is it possible to get an ATD unit to bits without a puller of some kind. I'm going to a manual mag. on my 88 and rather than just spot weld it to full advance. Which would do the trick it would be better to get rid of all that weight of the bobs ect. flying round trying to make the mag end shaft wobble. That little shaft is only cast into a brass shell and not much over an inch long.

I have had two wobbly end mags .Both had ATD units. The manual ones don't seem to suffer this way in my opinion.

John B.


It would be better to get a plain sprocket and nut. Save having all those gubbins flailing about, and put the ATD aside



I second what Paul says. That is the proper way to go about it, the other is a bodge. Also, you would get more than your money back; ATD's are expensive!


I agree entirely. Proper way if poss.

No names no pack drill until I have it sorted,I think it is a bad one off,but I have just paid £50 for a new one which has not got enough offset. At least 1/8" too far inboard when fitted. Chain way out of line. You can't use spacers or shims because of the taper.

May have to find a good second hand one.



Previously john_brookes wrote:

I agree entirely. Proper way if poss.

No names no pack drill until I have it sorted,I think it is a bad one off,but I have just paid £50 for a new one which has not got enough offset. At least 1/8" too far inboard when fitted. Chain way out of line. You can't use spacers or shims because of the taper.

May have to find a good second hand one.


Not fit for purpose, as Mr Elvis would say-'Return to Sender'


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