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Source for Norton Atlas Silencers


Any suggestion for a supplier? Quality and accuracy more important than price or location. Thank you!


Look up "feked"  they appear to make silencers without the horrid seams.

Having looked some time ago for a set for my 650SS (including a trip to USA) most retailers were offering Brituro made mufflers, I have since purchased sets for my 650SS, 69 Fastback & 57 ES2 shape is good though the sound is not quite as good as genuine (if you could get them) if there is a better alternative I to would be interested as I sill have to purchase for my Atlas project.




I saw Feked but I had to wait to hear it from someone on this site. I ordered two and will compare them to the originals I have. I'll update this post when they arrive.


Guys, I was going to get my  new 650SS exhaust system from Armour - has anyone had any experience of this company's parts?  Cheers, Len


Great look and nice packing. Arrived to USA in one week and four days. I am very impressed!


Hi Charles, Very relieved that all is well,  My comment on Feked was only that, I have no real experience of their product! . Was a bit concerned you jumped in.


Last year I bought an exhaust pipe and silencer for my 1955 ES2 from Feked and the quality looks good, but too early to tell how long it lasts.  There was a slight problem with the position of the fixing holes in the silencer not allowing the original bracket to line up with the footrest fixing bolt.  This was rectified by making a new bracket.

Recently I bought a replacement Lucas Altette horn rim and 1BA bolt set.  When I fitted the rim and did up the bolts the chrome started peeling off to rim.  Feked are helpful and will refund the cost when I return the parts, but I would much rather the chrome was better in the first place.  I'm not sure whether this reflects the quality of the chrome on the exhaust systems.



I have come to expect parts supplied today to be of a lower standard than OEM. That's because they are not being supplied to a Motorcycle factory where QA  inspection would turn them away.Also the Warranty work would soon show up the problem.  Its also true that modern CAD  and CC machines should bring improvements,however poor and incorrect choice of  raw materials and sloppy workmanship swing the balance.   Its just how it is.Don't be in a rush to discard original parts which may be able to be restored to better than new ..


The chrome on the 16H silence I bought from Armours a couple of years ago was and remains excellent.  The fit is good, as is the silencer shape, although it's about 1 inch shorter at the end of the tail than the rotten one I removed.  Which might (or of course might not) have been original.


Hello All  the Original Silencer where all made in house At bracebridge Street workshops by the craftsmen  as were the earlier  Norton manxman and  Dominator   the 1960s Dominator silencer did not have the seam at the bottom these were welded and ground back near smooth  , it was the after makey guys that did the seam at the bottom  , I have one original silencer left hand  and there twice as heavy as the after market ones  Now The Norton Manxman silencer are a nice peace of Art work and there music when the engine is running  and sound ten time better then the BSA window ratters  ie gold star  ,   yours  anna j


I seam(!!) to remember that the first horribly seamed silencers appeared with the AMC produced hybrids, . G15 etc.  Would have thought a big concern would make its own ,or were they subbed out?.

Hello All  well yes you will of seen silencer with the seams on the underside  on Plumstead machines because   by then these parts will of been out shopped  to other suppliers  So it was quicker to do a seam at the bottom  and made from thinner materials  at the same price   this comes it to it as well and for Norton Light weights these silencers were made to the same design but 2 inch shorter  As I have a Set long with the original bracebridge one,  yours anna j 


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