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Camshaft identification


Happy Christmas to you all. I know the answer is probably already in the messages somewhere but I cannot find it. I have a camshaft in good condition with the usual T2219 casting marks and nearby is a 'raised up' overlapping RR in capitals. There are no X1s, X2s, QRs or anything else however it does seem to have more lift than a QR cam (albeit a little worn). I also have two different types of camshaft breather discs. One type has the slots near the engagement pegs but arranged such that the slot finishes where the peg starts. The other has the slots at 90 deg to a diameter thro' the pegs. Quite different breather timing. Please can someone elaborate on the camshaft and the different breather discs. Thanks, Howard.


Previously wrote:

Happy Christmas to you all. I know the answer is probably already in the messages somewhere but I cannot find it. I have a camshaft in good condition with the usual T2219 casting marks and nearby is a 'raised up' overlapping RR in capitals. There are no X1s, X2s, QRs or anything else however it does seem to have more lift than a QR cam (albeit a little worn). I also have two different types of camshaft breather discs. One type has the slots near the engagement pegs but arranged such that the slot finishes where the peg starts. The other has the slots at 90 deg to a diameter thro' the pegs. Quite different breather timing. Please can someone elaborate on the camshaft and the different breather discs. Thanks, Howard.

Hello Very interesting maybe its a race cam .they must of made a batch. it worth keeping, yours anna j


Hello Howard, the timing of the breather disc was changed after production moved to London, the ones with the 'wlndows' at 90 degrees to the tangs are the Norton ones if I remember correctly, but I shouldn't worry about it as I don't think it made any worthwhile difference, like most of the mods made at Plumstead Road. One of the best mods you can make IMHO is a large bore untimed breather to properly relieve crankcase pressure.

The camshaft could really be anything pre-Plumstead, the X1/X2 were stamped in, the RR could refer to the company who supplied the forged blanks, anything really, short of mounting it in an engine and checking the valve events, I don't know how you'd ID it. The 88/99 Daytona cam is visibly different to the Model 7 one side by side, much more duration on the lift. If its in good nick, try it, even cams of the same grind vary considerably because the keyways vary a good few degrees in my experience.


Thanks Niall - Seems to be same grind as SS - perhaps Plumstead used a different casting.....? I am confident that it's not a race cam. Cheers for now.


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