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Adverts in the classified section


I have looked in the Classified Section and I can not see anything which tells me how to place an advert.

Obviously I am missing something as I have previously used the Classified Section or has the format changed.

Thanks for any help and apologies to those more computer literate than myself.

Cheers Mick


Placing a Classified is not quite as obvious as I would like it to be. Before you can add a Classified, you must firstly go to either the For Sale or Wanted section inside the Classifieds. You will only then see an option to add a new one.

I will try to get the instructions on that page made clearer.


Previously Chris Grimmett wrote:

Placing a Classified is not quite as obvious as I would like it to be. Before you can add a Classified, you must firstly go to either the For Sale or Wanted section inside the Classifieds. You will only then see an option to add a new one.

I will try to get the instructions on that page made clearer.


Thanks very much Chris, I have spotted it now.

Regards , Mick


Previously Chris Grimmett wrote:

Placing a Classified is not quite as obvious as I would like it to be. Before you can add a Classified, you must firstly go to either the For Sale or Wanted section inside the Classifieds. You will only then see an option to add a new one.

I will try to get the instructions on that page made clearer.


I have tried to post an ad for the first time, but I can't see how to do it, any clues?

Davy johnston




As Chris said, in the left hand column click on Classifieds, then either For Sale or Wanted, then at the top of the page is 'Add New'.....

Assuming you are logged in, of course.....


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