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Disc brake front wheel


Thanks for all help with stanchions . Have rebuilt forks , master cylinder and caliper . After reassembly I notice the front wheel is off centre between the forksbut cannot see any other way to do it due to the disc . Have I made a mistake ? Its a 1972 commando with standard disc and caliper . Any advice would be appreciated .


Has the front wheel been rebuilt ?

Many wheelbulders fail to pull the rim over to the disc side sufficiently. The spokes on that side have to stand almost vertically. It's one of the most common causes of odd steering on rebuilt Commandos.

A talk with a decent wheelbuilder might be the best option.


Previously richard_payne wrote:

Has the front wheel been rebuilt ?

Many wheelbulders fail to pull the rim over to the disc side sufficiently. The spokes on that side have to stand almost vertically. It's one of the most common causes of odd steering on rebuilt Commandos.

A talk with a decent wheelbuilder might be the best option.


Thanks for reply . I assume the wheel has been rebuilt wrongly at some time . There is no offset from hub to rim . Have also noticed lots of comments on the website from previous queries . I will have to find a wheelbuilder who knows what the correct offset should be .Thanks again , Roy


As Richard says, the Commando disc brake wheel has almost no dish on the disc side, this makes it very difficult for the wheel builder to pull the wheel across to that side (whichever side you have the brake fitted) This can result in the wheel builder putting a massive amount of tension in that side spokes to achieve a result. With the tyre and mudguard fitted it is difficult to measure the error. My disc is about 0.010" away from the fork leg, others have more. You can adjust the spacers to a certain extent but the disc touching the fork leg is the limiting factor here.

I bought my 1970 Fastback for £350 in 1975, I spent about £500 many years later changing to disc front end.


Disc brake wheel spokes.1972 Commando with disc brake.Worldwide (Trade only)The spoking arrangement of the disc braketype of front wheel requires periodic attentionto correct possible loss of spoke tension. Toeliminate the need for regular attention, thefollowing technique which is now applied to alldisc brake wheels at the factory should beundertaken at the earliest opportunity (prior todelivery where possible):1) With all spokes lightly tensioned, tightenleft hand side inboard spokes.2) Tighten left hand side outboard spokes.3) As shown in the illustration below, set theleft hand side inboard spokes straight(shaded heavily) by tapping the bowedportion of the spokes with a 1/2 lb. (.225Kg)hammer and drift 3" (76.2mm) from the centreof the spoke head.4) Retighten the left hand side inboard spokes.5) Tighten the right hand side inboard spokes.6) Tighten the right hand side outboard spokes.7) Recheck wheel for truth and align as necessary.Realignment of the left side inboard spokes asdirected will tension the wheels and minimisespoke deflection, making further periodic checkingof tension unnecessary.There is a diagram to go with this showing the spokes being whacked with said hammer........


Thanks for detailed reply . I have re-set a wheel with no offset , but I think I will send thisoff for attention! After wanting a commando for so long I realise there is a lot to learn .


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