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Merlin DOHC 8 valve Commando Head


I have just acquired the drawings and basic patterns for the Merlin 8 valve commando cylinder head.

Merlin made just three of these beasties, and to help me towards building my ultimate commando does anyone know of the whereabouts of any of them. even if its only to photograph the real thing. Any help greatly appreciated.


Peter Shand


Norvil had a complete and running 8 valve Commando and it was tested in an edition of Classic Bike a while back.


I remember the 'Classic Bike' article and seem to remember that the conclusion was that it didn't seem to improve the Commando performance etc. to any appreciable degree. I think it was eight valve but still pushrod actuated - not DOHC (or SOHC either).


look top left when images open up cant get it on the site for some reason it wont open up for me. i read there was an 8 valve push rod the dohc in the wasp side car unit . dont know my self just what i have read


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