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Photos of George Cohen

I found these via Facebook, they are worth a look.



Great pictures Dan, thanks for posting the link. I see that George's website is no longer available. We should have anticipated that and taken steps to preserve the content, maybe on this site. Probably too late now but does anyone know if the content still exists and, if so, who might be the custodian? It would be a shame to lose that knowledge.

Ian McD


If you have the URL, try searching for it at - there are usually a number of copies of a given URL to choose from there â if you find it do please share!

p.s. Is it this one?

Note that you'll need to copy and paste the entire URL, from 'https:' to '80/' â this forum doesn't seem to recognise its format, and breaks it ... Frown If it's the one then the archive is incomplete, unfortunately ...


Some fantastic pictures there.

I did think his website would go so copied and pasted his 'Tips' page into a word document (attached). It didn't copy very well in places and none of the links work. But there may be some useful content there if it is of any use to anyone.

Attachments cohens-advice-docx

Thanks, that's very useful. I didn't know that archives like that existed, must take up a lot of server space. Can't say whether it is complete or not but the "Hints & Tips" section seems to be intact, apart from a few ? in the text which might indicate something missing or corrupted. I still think it would be good if the club could obtain the original web site material, that way we would not be depending on a 3rd party site to preserve the knowledge.

Ian McD

Permalink is dependent on donations to keep it running, but it is intended to be an archive for the world wide web, among other things, and I don't see it disappearing. Its storage capacity must be huge. But yes this is the kind of thing the NOC ought to curate, or at least try to get full access to, IMHO ...


Dan; Thanks for telling the other NOCers about this.

I have the Amy Shore picture of him in the Norton jumper sat in the workshop on the wall in my workshop. He is a big loss as an expert in all matters Single cylinder Norton and as a personal friend.

With Regard to Amy Shore, take a look at her other works also, a talented young lady. with subject matter in our veins, well except for the wedding stuff!!

Captured George in his element.




Andy, sorry but I missed your post first time round (I think we were both posting about the same time). Thanks for sharing your "Cohens Advice" document. I was doing the same thing but had only saved around 80% of the Hints & Tips before the site disappeared. I can either use your document or complete mine from the archived site. From a practical point of view that was the useful stuff, although the rest of it serves as a fitting epitaph to a unique individual who made a significant contribution to our particular world.

Ian McD


Great pics Dan. I noticed most of his bikes had my magnetos on them. I know George for about 40 years, sad loss.


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