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Oil pump, 1936 Model 18


The oil-pump on my 1936 Model 18 is badly worn. No wonder, it is possibly 74 years old :) .It gives enough pressure for the pressure indicator-pin to pop up, so I guess it is ok. After all, the big-end roller bearing does not require muchoil pressure.But the wet-sumping problem is severe:four days standingand the oil tank is empty.

Taking the pump apartshows the end-plates arejust very lightlymarked but I can clearly see the teeth are worn.

Is a new pump available somewhere? RGM said no. Suggestions? (Yes,I already have a cut-off valve in the feed-line. However, I am getting older too and one of these daysam bound to forget turning it on).


Steve Snoen, British Columbia, Canada


Hello Steve,

Perhaps you could try a pump from a WD 16H 1940's era, they should be the same as far as the pumps are concerned, after all the 18 is just a 16H with the valves atop the cylinder, a trick I tried on my model 19s is to fit a twin cylinder pump, a fellow named John Basham came up with it and he wrote about it in the INOA's Norton News, winter issue #126, 2002, I did the work myself several years ago and have had zero problems and increased the oil flow about 30%, the twin's pump has a cast iron body versus the single's zinc bodied pump and should outlast the rest of the bike.


P.S. OR... You could try Russell motors, according to their advert they have ex wd 16H parts in stock.



If you do try Russells, they have both fax and email contact details on their website - no on line ordering.

They seem to respond best to contact via fax, i have had good service from them.


Previously wrote:

Hello Steve,

Perhaps you could try a pump from a WD 16H 1940's era, they should be the same as far as the pumps are concerned, after all the 18 is just a 16H with the valves atop the cylinder, a trick I tried on my model 19s is to fit a twin cylinder pump, a fellow named John Basham came up with it and he wrote about it in the INOA's Norton News, winter issue #126, 2002, I did the work myself several years ago and have had zero problems and increased the oil flow about 30%, the twin's pump has a cast iron body versus the single's zinc bodied pump and should outlast the rest of the bike.


P.S. OR... You could try Russell motors, according to their advert they have ex wd 16H parts in stock.


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