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Oil leak with less than 60 miles!!!

Can anyone help? I have just taken my 961 out for its first ride. 

there appears to be an oil leak. Is this normal or likely to heal up. 

From my experience with my other classics, I would say it is coming up the head bolts rather than head gasket. (Oil is above the gasket) 

Have any of you had anything similar, or is it trip back to the dealer. 

Your thoughts welcomed. 

Kevin. Pic


Thats just a proper Norton talking to you !. Telling you its still got some oil in it. Welcome to the fold.  My guess is that it a porous casting and will need a new head ,but I know very little about the 961. But i am slowly beginning to take an interest.


Is that drip definitely coming out of the motor?
I say this because my first 961 sprung a serious leak from the fuel tank when Ethanol in the petrol  melted the fuel pump seal. The leak was serious enough to short out the battery.  See photos.
fuel dump


Have a look at the rocker cover gasket. check the oil filler cap is tight, then take it straight back to the dealer and make a fuss.


Take lots of photo's trace where the oil has come from and to where it has been blown to over your sixty miles.
Do not use any tools in your search to preserve your warranty.
You need to know what the problem was to cause this oil leak and it to be be put into writing as future proof of your complaint.
It may just be a loose gasket or it could be the signs of something more serious you must have it recorded,make sure the seller knows this before you eventually pick up the sorted machine.
This will focus his attention to put things right and that you have a grasp of your rights concerning these issues.
If this outfit doesn't conform to your wishes I would write to the manufacturer telling them so and ask them for an alternative repair agent and have them pay for the pick up from your house and return.
This may all be over the top and you get your Norton oil tight asap but just keep in mind that things may not be as straight forwards as you would have hoped.
You know, I would have thought that this fault should have been picked up well before the purchaser even set eyes on the machine so a swift letter to the factory would be my next rant after a satisfactory result just to let them know that its procedures need tightening up.


Is in those first miles, these are hand built machines without a high level of corporate control. Accept it, take it back and let them do the tracing. You start investigating and the evidence trail can be blurred.  Good time to see how they perform as a company?



None of the  manufacturers   road test their bikes properly any more , that's what customers are for.


At Donington we used to do five miles on the dyno, unplug the speedo sensor and then do another 5ish miles.
I once did a full day of dyno testing there...I was absolutely shattered at the end of it, felt just like I'd been riding all day.
How did you get on with the dealer, Kev?



Excuse my ignorance but what are the three black tubular bars coming out of the kerbside front engine plate on your machine ?

Well, that link didn't work....I hardly use forums nowadays, so I've forgotten how to link stuff it seems!
Copy and paste item number 145788936263 into Ebay, Alan.....its a crash protect kit.


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