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Model 7 oil tank


Great news, my ad for a Model 7 oil tank resulted in a response the same day, and now one is on the way. Not sure how to delete the item, maybe someone can tell me how. On to my next question, tank colour on a '53 Model 7. Is it chrome and painted panels, or just paint? I ask the question as the model shown in the Bonham's auction photo of a '53 shows painted, but in ref. book it states chrome and painted. Advice please. Many thanks.


Hi Tony,

It depends when your bike was made. The Korean war resulted in a Nickel shortage so many companies did without chrome and painted things silver. This was in later 52 to around mid 53 ishso you'll need to paint the rims as well to be correct to period along with anything else that would have been chromed should your bike have been made in this period.



Many thanks for the reply Jim. I will await the arrival of the dating information to see what time of the year the bike was completed and follow up from there.

Thanks again.



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