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Knackered Small end bearing


Hello Team

I need some professional advice / help with my 1973 750 Commando plse 

I have been told today that my Commando MAY have a knackered small end bearing in the engine.

Can anyone tell me what I should be looking and or hearing / watching out for plse 

Many Thanks Neil 


What sounds like a knocking Small End could possibly be piston slap, or a loose pushrod end, or a worn rocker / spindle, or bad adjustment of the valve gaps.

If it does turn out to be a worn Small End, these can be bored and bushed very easily or the rods replaced with either new or (much cheaper) second-hand items.


Who diagnosed small end trouble? Was there full analysis or just a suggestion?  

As Phil says piston slap is more common, as are hi other suggestions.  Does the noise change with temperature…. Is it continuous and consistent sound ?

if you are sensitive to mechanical wear, pull the plugs roll the engine over past TDC, then try to push the piston down without rotating the engine. You may feel the slightest of movement if it’s in poor condition…



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