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Dolls head layshaft bearing


Excuse my ignorance, I`ve just stripped my dolls head gearbox on a 1946 model 18 I`m renovating (I know it should have an upright, but it has a dollshead). All notes relating to Norton gearboxes state that it is good practice to replace the layshaft bearing with a roller bearing...however, it already has one, denoted RH7. Any thoughts, should I replace it?. BTW it seems not to have been apart before, but it is so amazingly clean inside.




Norton fitted a roller bearing to the layshaft in dollshead gearboxes as standard. It is listed as a Hoffmann R117 in my WD16H parts list, which makes it a metric bearing of 17mm x 40mm x 12mm. It must have been a cost cutting exercise that they fitted a ball bearing to later gearboxes. Not sure when the change occured. If your roller bearing is not worn and turns smoothly I personally would not replace it.




Previously nicholas_clark wrote:

Norton fitted a roller bearing to the layshaft in dollshead gearboxes as standard. It is listed as a Hoffmann R117 in my WD16H parts list, which makes it a metric bearing of 17mm x 40mm x 12mm. It must have been a cost cutting exercise that they fitted a ball bearing to later gearboxes. Not sure when the change occured. If your roller bearing is not worn and turns smoothly I personally would not replace it.



thanks Nick


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