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Oil pump fibre washer/doughnut


My 55 ES2 has been fitted with a later distributor type timing case with 3 mounting screws. This suits me as I have made a blanking plate to enable it to seal against a modified MO1L mag (Dynamo gears and casing removed .. It has no Dynamo as its a trials bike) but having taken the cover off to check the relief valve and Spring I noticed that the oil feed was fitted with a fibre washer and a big dollup of silicone. How can I tell which type of seal it should have? Pics below.

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I think I've worked out that the donuts were only used on twins, is that right? Does anyone know the thickness of the fibre washer?




It says in the manual to place the casing in position and the fibre washer should prevent the edges of the case meeting by 1/32". So it's a tight fit when the screws are tightened. If I remember correctly I think the washer was about 2mm thick. But I have used Commando/Dommie oil pump rubber washers without any problems and probably a bit easier as the fibre washer has no give in it.


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