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Maybe the last Begonia Rally

I have to say that as always the Flanders Branch Begonia Rally was it usual fun self, 37 years of organisation by our Belgian friends has come to an end. Fantastic memories, great friendships and most of all good fun. It was good to see a great turnout from Belgium, Holland, UK, France and Italy making this a truly International meeting. Looking back at the Photos from the last few years I've been going its obvious we have all become quieter but I think we still enjoyed it. My Heartfelt thanks to all the organisers over the last 37 years (You all know who you are so take a bow) I'm sure we will all meet up in the future at Norton meetings (Sweden?)

I made a video which I put on youtube, great memories!



Just a note to echo Gino's tribute above to our good friend, Marc Maes and his excellent team at the Flanders Branch, for all the fun and enjoyment over the many years at the Begonia Rally. We understand the issues but will still be sad if this was the last one.




If that was the last Begonia, then this is really bad news. Looking at Gino's excellent video the numbers attending did look a bit low.  It is not often that the evening bar has spaces in it. Perhaps the lead vocalist needed more singing lessons!!!

I have been a fan of the Begonia for 30 years and managed to get to around 15 in total. The camp sites in the 90s were sometimes very dire and I remember one Begonia where there were only half a dozen UK Nortons which had bothered to turn up. In recent years, the move to Open Huis provided a massive improvement with regard to facilities and generally resulted in a great 'value for money' weekend event.

The arrival of Covid 19 did not help with my planning of another Begonia trip over the last 3 years. But this time, despite having a running Norton, the time, the gear and the good weather, with just 2 days to go I bailed out of catching the Dover ferry and went off to dislocate a shoulder playing Walking Football instead.  Attached Photos record a few interesting Begonia moments.


I just spent my first half hour in work watching the video  .  Many thanks Gino,  I can now make  up the day with a smile on my face. 

I would like to know the secret of starting a cammy Norton  that easily!!

Great insight to the rally world....




Hi there,

I hope this will not be true. First I decided to go there this year, but didn`t and now I read this! My plan is to go there next year and I hope there will be some boys and girls to keep it alive.

Regards Uwe

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