Roadholder 370 - October 2018

41 Neil Shoosmith's Seeley Commando O nce again, the VMCC have returned to Mallory Park to organise this famous festival. The event which had previously been the 2018 vmcc festival of 1,000 bikes Chris and Jill Streather and Bournemouth Branch Bournemouth's Graham Brooks' 961 Commando run by Mallory, while the VMCC stood down, was back. The format was the same as before: a mix of race and road machines tackling one of the best race circuits around. The NOC have been supporting this event, the only one of its kind in the country now, for many years and it has proved as popular as ever. The outside NOC 'Road' display could not happen without the Bournemouth Branch, who once again, offered to look after this area. The NOC 'Race' paddock display has always been a popular feature, where our team take out race-prepared machines on the Sunday. The Club has, for many years, held a prominent position in the paddock with this fabulous line- up and this year was no exception. The now annual Saturday night barbecue, which felt like the 'Night of a 1,000 Burgers' has become a feature and gathering point well established by the group. So thanks to all those involved in making this happen for another year. The NOC 'Race' paddock