Roadholder 370 - October 2018

36 O n Saturday 11th August, Neil and I set off to Popham to meet friends for a BBQ prior to the Sunday Megameet. Well, the weather got steadily worse so we cancelled the BBQ and settled instead for an early night. (mmmm how boring - but never mind). Sunday we woke up early with the weather just a little better so we set up the stand; you know - all the usual stuff, putting up the marquee and off-loading the bikes etc. We were pleased to have been allocated the usual two spaces, one inside the huge marquee on-site, and the other immediately outside, so the spaces were back-to-back, with the Isle of Wight Branch being allocated a space beside us, inside the marquee. Due to the weather, people were slow to arrive with more bikes than normal being either trailored or brought by van, although we did have a fair few hardy souls brave enough to battle the wind and drizzle to ride in. We filled both spaces and expanded a little too. Big thanks to all who came, there was a fine variety of Nortons on show. As previously agreed with Kev Irwin, Isle of Wight Branch Secretary, I handed over The Eric Cox Trophy with members of both Branches in attendance. I think Eric would have approved ... . handover of the eric cox trophy Ally Gillingham, (NOC Bournemouth Branch Secretary)